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Infrasonic Advocate Program
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Publicise Yourself and Infrasonic. Receive Great Audio Equipment. Make Beautiful Music.

Do you need additional equipment and can actively publicise it? Are you an audio or video performer or producer? Do you have a recording studio? If it's yes to any of these questions, tell us how you can help promote Infrasonic products.To qualify, submit the Application (See resources). It s designed to help you create a plan of action.

  1. Download the Application.
    The file is a zipped Rich Text Format (RTF) document compatible with all word processors.
    (See resources)
  2. Save your filled-in application in RTF format or straight text.
  3. Upload your application with a brief introductory message using the form below.

If we like your proposal, we will provide you with INFRASONIC equipment in exchange for your product-promotion activities. Possible activities include video-documented live performances and online videos (See resources) .

You make great music. Get some great gear for doing it.

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Below are some essential websites for promoting yourself with Infrasonic gear


US Advocates (used this app if you are located in the United States)

Global Advocates (use this app if you are not located in the United States)

Dealer Participation May Vary :

  • is sponsoring free equipment for Advocates based in North America.
  • For other regions, we will forward your application to SIMS and/or a dealer for your region.
  • Not all dealers are participating in the Advocate Program.


  • YouTube:
    "Founded in February 2005, YouTube is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on and across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email."
    "Create a community on MySpace and you can share photos, journals and interests with your growing network of mutual friends!"
  • AOL Video:
    "Watch and share videos about news, sports, pets, music, personals, short films, autos, the odd, the funny and the absurd. Rate and comment on your favorites and add them to your AOL Journal, AIM Page, MySpace or Facebook page."
  • Dailymotion:
    "Dailymotion is a platform for sharing videos with friends, family, and the rest of the world."
  • Revver:
    "Revver is the first viral video network that pays. We connect makers, sharers, and sponsors of internet video in a free and open marketplace that rewards them for doing what they do best."
  • Exposure Room
    "The objective of ExposureRoom... is to provide 'exposure' and opportunity to people who are in earnest pursuit of their craft... The type of videos we do want on ExposureRoom are those that are videos of 'real' life or art, and are made with a good faith effort to be artful or creative. In turn, it is our mission to promote this work and the members associated with such work."
  • Tubemogul:
    "TubeMogul is a free service that provides a single point for deploying uploads to the top video sharing sites, and powerful analytics on who, what, and how videos are being viewed."

For a list of additional sites, see the Tubemogul list of Video Sites. YouTube AOL Video Daily Motion Tube Mogul Apply Infra-Sonic Exposure Room Infrasonic

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