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¤ýName Antoni
¤ýDate 28-06-2017 (Wed)
¤ýcategory Deux
¤ýSerial No SMK080302039
¤ýCountry MALAYSIA
¤ývote: 0  ¤ýhit: 6720      
DEUX cannot be detected by MacBook
I have been keeping my DEUX many years and never use since i bought because I tried on my PC and Mac but they failed to recognise it.

Now i decided to solve all these technical problem. Else it is wasted. 
I have powered up the DEUX with an adapter and it is ON properly now. 
Hope you may advise further.

1) I am using MACBOOK AIR spec as attached. What else MAC accessories i need to have in order to connect DEUX to my Macbook ? So far i am using a connector FIREWIRE-USB 
to connect to my MAC but no response. Please comment. 

2) I can't find deux driver for MAC from your website (see attachment) when i click Mac and under Deux Tab. Does Mac support DEUX ? Can you please advise ?

3) what is audio interface software that can support DEUX ? can i use AUDACITY ?

4) i also tried to install driver to my Windows Desktop using INFRASONIC_DeuX_V2.01.01_XPVISTAWIN7(20100226)_FREEMixer . After install cannot find the "Deux panel" while system said it is running. see attach picture at

5) Must i use FreeMixer interface by Infrasonic ? or i can use audacity / other software ?
Look forward to hearing from you asap.







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