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¤ýName Blank
¤ýDate 19-01-2012 (Thu)
¤ýcategory Quartet
¤ýSerial No SMC100500602
¤ýModel Quartet
¤ýCountry Japan
¤ýE-mail N/A
¤ývote: 0  ¤ýhit: 11902      
Hibernation Problem - High CPU Usage Rate
I found the CPU usage rate of "hardware interrupt" remains at high level (30-40%) on my Windows 7 32-bit system with Quartet installed, everytime after the system recovers from "sleep mode".  I checked the system with "KrView" (MS-provided kernrate viewer ) and found "wdmqua" in the log.
Results for Kernel Mode:
OutputResults: KernelModuleCount = 208
Percentage in the following table is based on the Total Hits for the Kernel
Time   4321 hits, 25000 events per hit --------
 Module                                Hits   msec  %Total  Events/Sec
intelppm                               2770       5460    64 %    12683150
halmacpi                                910       5460    21 %     4166666
yk62x86                                 421       5460     9 %     1927655
ntkrnlpa                                134       5460     3 %      613553
wdmqua                                   52       5460     1 %      238095
ndis                                     13       5460     0 %       59523
nvlddmkm                                  7       5460     0 %       32051
portcls                                   7       5460     0 %       32051
win32k                                    4       5460     0 %       18315
cdd                                       1       5460     0 %        4578
USBSTOR                                   1       5460     0 %        4578
msahci                                    1       5460     0 %        4578
================================= END OF RUN ==================================

Then I uninstalled Quartet driver (1.24.10) and the symptom of "hardware interrupts" high CPU usage disappeared.
I repeated install/uninstall several times to make it sure that the symptom is reproduced.
It seems to be quite natural to assume Quartet driver causes the trouble, IMO.
I strongly hope this to be fixed soon.
name icon Balint
2012-07-08 08:14
Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting us and for the detailed description of the problem.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience this issue may have caused.
Please run the following command line as administrator:
"sc config intelppm start= disabled"
Alternatively you can edit the registry key directly in Regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Intelppm  -> change the 'Start' value to '4'.
This should fix your increased CPU load after resumes.
I shall be pleased to provide further assistance if it is required.
Thank you.

Best Regards,
SIMS Corp.
name icon Blank
2012-07-17 00:01
Dear Balint,

Thank you very much for offering a solution.
I gave it a try but unfortunately the situation wasn't improved.
I would be happy if your development team would regard this a ploblem and solve it in the next version.
Thank you again for your kindest assistance.








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