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¤ýName |
¤ýDate |
13-04-2014 (Sun) |
¤ýcategory |
Quartet |
¤ýSerial No |
SMC080500193 |
¤ýCountry | Germany |
¤ýE-mail | mmbaltic@web.de |
¤ývote: 0 ¤ýhit: 12595
Quartet ASIO driver seems to report wrong latencies to DAWs
When using my DAW Propellerhead Reason, I always get delayed recordings - although Reason is doing automatic latency compensation. I don't understand why that happens, but the real latency seems to be twice as high as the values reported from the ASIO driver. I have read a similar ticket here which is 3 years old. Same problem was reported there in conjunction with Cubase. Your staff replied there that "unfortunately Quartet can report an incorrect input latency value in its communication with Cubase". This seems to be true with other DAWs like Reason, too. What's the cause of this and will you fix this?
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