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¤ýName Nikos
¤ýDate 19-01-2012 (Thu)
¤ýcategory Quartet
¤ýSerial No QTC11B0596BLK
¤ýModel Quartet
¤ýCountry Greece
¤ýE-mail n_papages@hotmailcom
¤ývote: 0  ¤ýhit: 10768      
Windows 7 drivers??whats going on??
This time i change the sample rate..and as i go up to 44100 to 48000 or 96000 and so on...the sound becomes more i change the pitch..
so...i dont understand...what is going on..its the drivers?or the card? and when the drivers will be ok?? i just bought the card..and i have 10 days to decide if i will keep it or not...
plz respond ..i need help..and a lot of ppl i think
thank you in advance
name icon Balint
2012-01-19 03:46
Dear Nikos,

Thank you for contacting us.
You are trying to play a file, which is stored at 44.1 kHz sample rate.The playback application, which you are using, is not recognizing the sample rate change or is not capable of real time sample rate conversion, hence the higher pitched sound output.
Please keep the sample rate setting of Quartet in Auto mode. This will result the best audio quality.
Generally speaking, if you still prefer manual sample rate selection, always choose the same rate as your input file. I don't recommend upscaling the sample rate, unless you need 48 kHz on the digital output for certain HT amplifiers, but that's a special and very rare case.
I hope this helps. Should you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you.

Best Regards,
SIMS Corp.







No Category     Subject Date Hit
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72 M49 No recognition for M49 Keyboard on Win 7 64 bit [2] 2012-01-28 10759
71 Quartet Hibernation Problem - High CPU Usage Rate [2] 2012-01-19 11902
70 Quartet Windows 7 drivers??whats going on?? [1] 2012-01-19 10768
69 Amon USB Link blinks and dies. AMON not working [1] 2012-01-17 9922
68 Quartet dynamic mic no signal [3] 2012-01-10 11151
67 Deux Infrasonic Deux under UbuntuStudio Has Troubles [2] 2012-01-10 11218
66 Quartet Cracking Noise /w Driver 1.24.10 [1] 2011-12-31 8936

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