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¤ýName sata tuhtatta
¤ýDate 17-04-2012 (Tue)
¤ýcategory M49
¤ýSerial No SM2010K2161
¤ýModel M49
¤ýCountry Finland
¤ývote: 0  ¤ýhit: 11340      
M49 Firmware update
Hello, first of all, the e-mail address field would no allow me to input the final "m" to my email address.

My problem is, that when I try to update/download the firmware on the M49, the updater just says "Timeout! Check midi device."

I am running as adminstrator. I have set up the midi ins and outs but still it won't work. Besides, there are no instructions on how to update the firmware, for example, should I choose the M49 midi ins/outs 1 or 2 or a mix of them. and is there something that I must do on the M49 to put it in a "firmware update mode" like on many other devices. What should I do and are there instructions somewhere on how to update the firmware?
name icon Balint
2012-07-09 03:13
Dear Sata,

Thank you for contacting us.
I've reported to increase the maximal character count of email address field. Thank you for your feedback.
The firmware updater is as easy to use as possible. The executable application and the vsb file has to be in the same directory and select M49 as MIDI I/O devices.
However it seems you have the latest up to date firmware version on your M49.
Are you experiencing any problems using the keyboard which you might find strange?
I shall be pleased to provide further assistance if it is required.
Thank you.

Best Regards,
SIMS Corp.







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